Podcasts for Small Business Owners

Podcasts have quickly become one of the easiest ways to learn, up-skill and be entertained on-the-go. Here are our top 5 podcast picks and why we think they’re great for small business owners and budding entrepreneurs.

TED Talks Business

Of course you’ve heard of TED Talks - with no topic off limits, the talks inspire change across the globe. But did you know they also host a TED Business podcast? You’ll be sure to find an episode that addresses the current business problem you’re dealing with and give you some practical answers. Just be aware this one is American!

The Barefoot Investor by Scott Pape

You’ve read the book, but have you heard of the podcast? We love this show because it’s simple, educational and easy to implement in your life and business. Scott Pape also has some great insights on investing if you are looking to add more investments within your business portfolio.

My Millennial Money

For all the young business owners out there or those looking to spark their entrepreneurial spirit this one’s for you. Glen James, ex-financial planner and smart money managing enthusiast, is the host who engages with his audience through common millennial money problems and is joined by regular special guests from the finance industry.

Dare to Lead with Brene Brown

Brene Brown is known for her inspirational talks and quotes and her latest podcast is based on her best-selling book, Dare to Lead. Brene has a range of special guests who are change-catalysts and culture-shifters, sure to inspire you to be a better innovator, creator and leader in your business.

How I Built This with Guy Raz

This podcast show is less practical and more inspirational, as Guy Raz takes you through some of the world’s best known companies and how they got to where they are now.


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